Monday, October 7, 2013

Google Penguin 2.1 Update Which Will Filter Spam

The release of another upadte from google spam filter team head Matt cutts come as new penguin upadte but one of the new thing is this penguin 2.1 has second generation technology as Google it self calling  it 2.1 see here ->>>

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Google’s New Algorithm - Hummingbird comes on 27 sept 2013

So Google again has done a massive search algorithm update , people are doing round table and discussing a lot now google has given clear indication of change in algorithm according to this update which was nammed as "Hummingbird" quite interesting as always name suggest .
on the 15th birth day of Google last week Google unhidden its Search Algorithm named "Hummingbird "
it is basically targeting more precise and will result faster  query results algorithm is based on user intent versus individual search  terms.
Hummingbird is paying more attention to each word in a query ensuring that whole sentence is understood by Search engine and most of the part of query will be taken into accout before giivng result . so it is quite interesting.